Thursday, 29 December 2016

Lets Hope For A Better Year Next Year

With Christmas I never expected to get much writing done. The truth is I did none. On the 23rd Dec, while getting ready to finish my gift shopping before work, I started to get pains in my left arm which were quickly followed by pains in my chest and back. Knowing that they meant nothing good I contacted my mother-in-law to collect the kids. With them safely out of the way my husband, mother and I made our way to the hospital. Due to my age (30) they highly doubted I was having a heartattack, or that there was anything actually wrong with me. (At least that was the impression I got.) Still, after hours in the waiting room the doctor ordered for bloods to be done.
Well those blood test showed results pointing to heart trauma, ie. A heartattack. I was quickly given medication and taken to a ward. Over the next 12 hours I was given a chest xray, had more bloods taken, given more medication, had a heart scan and was seen by a cardiologist consultant before finally being allowed home christmas eve afternoon.
Turns out I have myopericarditis. Which is inflammation of the heart muscles and covering of the heart. I have been ordered to take time of work and rest for at least a week or two, which I am trying to do. But with three kids I can assure you it is not easy.
Hopefully I'll be back to full health real soon and able to continue my writing. As you can understand that has had to take a backseat at the current time but my head is swimming with fresh ideas for stories I want tell within the next year.
Lets keep fingers crossed for a better start to the new year than the end of this one.

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