With Christmas I never expected to get much writing done. The truth is I did none. On the 23rd Dec, while getting ready to finish my gift shopping before work, I started to get pains in my left arm which were quickly followed by pains in my chest and back. Knowing that they meant nothing good I contacted my mother-in-law to collect the kids. With them safely out of the way my husband, mother and I made our way to the hospital. Due to my age (30) they highly doubted I was having a heartattack, or that there was anything actually wrong with me. (At least that was the impression I got.) Still, after hours in the waiting room the doctor ordered for bloods to be done.
Well those blood test showed results pointing to heart trauma, ie. A heartattack. I was quickly given medication and taken to a ward. Over the next 12 hours I was given a chest xray, had more bloods taken, given more medication, had a heart scan and was seen by a cardiologist consultant before finally being allowed home christmas eve afternoon.
Turns out I have myopericarditis. Which is inflammation of the heart muscles and covering of the heart. I have been ordered to take time of work and rest for at least a week or two, which I am trying to do. But with three kids I can assure you it is not easy.
Hopefully I'll be back to full health real soon and able to continue my writing. As you can understand that has had to take a backseat at the current time but my head is swimming with fresh ideas for stories I want tell within the next year.
Lets keep fingers crossed for a better start to the new year than the end of this one.
A place you can find all the works of E.M Reders and keep up to date on all future works.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Lets Hope For A Better Year Next Year
Monday, 12 December 2016
Meet the Chaetdorians
Haven't met the Chaetdorians yet? Check them out below.
(Available Exclusively at Amazon. Book 1 FREE this weekend only)
Chaetdorian Mates Series
Many centuries ago, the planet Chaetdor was destroyed and the survivors of that planet set out on a mission to find themselves a new home. Earth was never part of the plan; a primitive world with little technology and a sun that was harmful to the Chaetdorian body. When there was a fault with the ship they had no choice but to land on the foreign planet and hope that they could fix the problem quickly so they could continue on their journey.
But that didnit happen. The fault was far worse than they had first thought and caused them to crash during landing, seriously damaging their vessel. With the lack of technology on Earth at that time they were stuck, having no choice but to hide their craft and adapt in order to survive.There were just two problems. One, they were highly sensitive to the earth's sun, meaning that they could only venture out at night. And two, in order to maintain a humanoid appearance they needed to consume human blood. Stories of large, handsome, pale men with fangs soon spread, and the myth of the vampire was born.
Now it's time for them to leave… if only it was that simple.
Corr's Forgiveness #1

Torq's Acceptance #2

Hex's Desire #3

Twin Addiction #4

And coming early 2017....
Xandr's Prize #5
(Unedited WIP. Please forgive any grammar and bad spelling)
Xandr, like all
others of his kind, had waited for this day. The day that their ship was fully
repaired and they could begin preparations to leave Earth. It had been a long
time coming, centuries in fact. But finally, that day had arrived.
Now he and a
team of others had been sent to an abandoned warehouse to meet and transport a
group of human that had volunteered to join them on their escape from Earth… at
a price.
The Chaetdorian
race had the ability to
physically change their form by consuming the blood of other races. It was how
they had remained hidden from the human world so successfully. There were a few
trusted members of the human race that knew, of course, and it was those that
had been given the opportunity to travel with them. Due to the length of time
they had been dependent on human blood in order to blend in, they now needed to
wean themselves off it, otherwise the side effects were less than pleasant. That
was where their human travel companions came in.
Gazing over the
group of human males and females, Xandr was once again grateful that he had
never been dependant on their blood. There had been a time or two when he had
needed to alter his appearance - hide
his markings and dark eyes – but he had never had to maintain the changes. Though,
in truth he was always hiding his markings… one of them at least.
“What has put
that frown upon your face?” Mandy asked as she sauntered towards him, her hips
swinging provocatively.
“Nothing of
“Well whatever
it is, I don’t like it.” Going up on her tiptoes she leaned over, pressing her
breasts against his arm as she whispered, “How about we sneak off somewhere and
I can make it all better?”
If only that
was possible. He and Mandy had been together for a little over a year and while
she was not his true mate she helped keep the loneliness at bay… helped keep
him sane. Still, he had a job to do. And no matter how hard she had him in that
moment, he could not abandon his mission.
“Maybe later.
Now go and gather your things, the shuttles will be here shortly.”
she said, quickly glancing around to make sure no one was watching them before
she planted a warm kiss upon his cheek. “Love you.”
He wanted to
say the words back, to tell her what she wanted to hear, but he could not lie
to her. Every Chaetdorian male had one mate, one perfect partner out there in
the universe made just for them… and Mandy was not his. He knew that. She knew
that. But still Mandy had fallen in love with him.
An hour later
and they were ready to go… almost.
“Fourteen of
the humans are accounted for and ready to depart,” Xandr said as Torq, the
leader of the Slayer tribe approached, an unconscious human female in his red
marked arms. Hearing shouts coming from the alley, he asked, “Something happen
back there?”
“Nothing of
importance. You said only fourteen of the humans were here, where is the last?”
“I have no
clue.” Mandy had yet to return from collecting her bags from where she had left
them and her friends among the other humans didn’t seem to know where she was.
He had no idea what was taking her so long, but then again, it was Mandy. She
was terrible at time keeping. Xandr had lost count of the number of times she
was late in meeting him. “The twins are searching the building now to find
“Yes, Mandy’s
the one that has gone walkabout.”
“Find her,”
Torq growled. Obviously he was in a rush to leave, and judging by the sudden
silence that descended in the alley behind the warehouse there was good reason
for it. Slayers were the assassins of their kind. It was their job to make sure
that their existence stayed secret, and it was a bloody job at times. Some said
that was why their markings were as red as blood.
As the Slayer
leader departed Xandr went in search of the twins, Jepa and Hecto. Finding them
on the second floor he was worried not to find Mandy with them.
“Where is she?”
“No idea.”
It was Jepa
that answered, unsurprisingly. Hecto had not spoken to anyone in months. He
wasn’t sure why but his continued silence was worrying. If a Chaetdorian male
failed to find their mate they would go insane. The madness they called it.
The fact that
they had been stranded on Earth for centuries with no one finding a true mate
was not good for anyone of them. It wouldn’t be long before the madness
consumed one of them, he was sure. He just prayed it would not be his friend.
“Well we can’t
wait around forever. She’ll turn up eventually. Let’s get the other humans transported
to the ship on schedule and I’ll inform Teks about Mandy.”
“No doubt
she’ll surprise all of us and find her own way to the ship.”
He hoped so,
because something just did not feel right about all this.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
New Covers
For a while now I have been looking for the perfect images to create new covers for both books currently available in the Flesh and Blood series, and finally, a few days ago, I found those images. Now I am happy to be able to show you the new covers. Check them out...
Monday, 18 July 2016
Hex's Desire has landed... And Twin Addiction is on its way
So with the arrival of Hex's Desire another preorder became available at Amazon. That's right, Twin Addiction is set for release in October and can be preordered now. We get a little look into the strange world of the one and only set of twins aboard the Chaetdorian ship and I cannot tell you how much fun I am having writing their book. And as for the cover.... all I can say is H.O.T! lol
Sunday, 10 July 2016
SFRB Summer Blog Hop
The Chaetdorians have been stuck upon the Earth for centuries, stranded here after their own planet was destroyed. Now that the human race's technology has evolved they have finally been able to repair their ship and the countdown to their departure has begun... but where will they go?
With Chaetdor gone, and the vastness of space to explore in their search for a new planet to call home, what will they find? Will anything ever come close to matching the beauty they had once known?
The Chaetdorian Mates series follows the male alien race as they prepare to leave our planet and the pitfalls that come their way. Everything is leading up to their eventual departure. I for one cannot wait until they do. The imagination can be an amazing thing and already worlds that they can visit are forming in my mind. Worlds made up entirely of water. Desert moons that hold no life. Worlds made from crystal. There is no limit to what they might find. Where they will eventually end up I have no idea, but it will be a grand adventure getting them there.
Corr's Forgiveness (#1)
Corr was having the most wonderful dream. He was back on his home world, the blue moon beating down upon his back, the ocean breeze caressing his flesh, as he placed the last tile upon the roof of the house he had spent moons building. Climbing up onto the roof, he cast his gaze out over the world he loved so much, excited that now his home was complete, he could set out to the stars and find his true half and bring her back to the loving home he had built for her. The ship was ready. He and his brothers would be setting off within the next moon cycle.
Everything was perfect... If only it was real.
The ringing of his phone pulled him from the dream, dragging him back to a reality where his home world was nothing but dust far out in space and all hope of ever finding his true half had been lost long ago.
Grabbing the annoying device from the table beside the bed, he snapped, "What?" It was still daylight outside. He could feel the sun’s terrible rays even deep underground.
"We have it," Hex shouted over the noise of machinery in the background. The young Techno was more than likely in his workshop building some strange contraction. Corr wasn’t sure what half of the stuff Hex built was, but the young Chaetdor insisted that everything he built had a very important purpose and would no doubt save all their lives in the future. And maybe they would… if they ever got of this rock.
"Have what? Listen, I'm really not in the mood for this today. Call me back when it’s-"
"Will you just shut up a minute and listen. We have the last component needed to fix the ship!"
Diving out of bed, Corr rushed around grabbing clothes and any other item he did not want to leave behind. He may hate earth with a passion but he had picked up a few items over the centuries that he was quite fond of and didn’t want to lose.
“You better not be lying to me.” In the early days they had all pulled that trick, laughing their heads off as their brothers rushed around. After a while, when they realised they would be stuck upon the planet for much longer than they had hoped, all jokes had stopped, and depression had sunk in. If it wasn’t for their beliefs, Corr was sure that a few of them would have taken their own lives during the wait.
“I promise you, this is no joke. Get your arse down here now.”
After checking out book 1 in the series why not take a look at the rest of the series. Book 3, Hex's Desire releases on the 17th with book 4, Twin Addiction, coming soon. Check out the covers below.
(Grand prize is to be drawn by rafflecopter)
Monday, 4 July 2016
Friday, 1 July 2016
Cover Reveal - SFR Brigade Showcase
With the release of book 3 of the Chaetdorian Mates series, Hex's Desire, only a few weeks away, and my mind fully in the gutter with writing book 4, Twin Addiction, I wanted to share with you the amazingly hot cover for the next book the series.
I have to say this is my favourite cover so far in this series. I also have a sneaky excerpt from my current WIP to share with you. (Please remember that this excerpt is unedited and will most definitely contain spelling and grammar errors).
Walking onto the command deck they found Teks glaring at the vid screen before him. On it was an image of an empty holding bay. As they approached, Teks deactivated the screen and turned to face them. “The females have decided to join us.”
‘More for us,’ came the whispering voice.
“Really? They all decided that they wanted to stay?” Jepa asked.
“Well, no. Only one out of the four decided that she wanted to stay. I’m afraid her friends were far from pleased. We had to separate her from the others until they calm down.”
‘No need for them to calm down, we like them feisty.’
Clenching his fists tight, Hecto did his best to shut out the voice, to block it out so that he could concentrate on what his commander was saying. It was lucky that he had Jepa to fill in the missing blanks.
“You are to transport them there immediately. Introduce them to Joel and he will take things from there. Once you have handed them over, I want you and a small team to return to the warehouse for one last sweep. With the females staying there is nothing more keeping us here, but I want one more check doing before we depart.”
“How soon till we leave?” Hecto asked his brother, who relayed the question to Teks.
“As long as nothing else goes wrong? By next moon.”
With their orders they exited the command deck, though Hecto was still a little unsure of what they were doing. Why did the voice have to start during moments of importance, when he needed to keep focused?
“So what are we transporting?” he asked his brother.
“The females need escorting to deck seven. Do you think you can handle that? If not I can do it by myself.”
Be close to the females? Be within arm’s reach of the ones the voice kept whispering were ripe for the taking? He wasn’t so sure. It would be a risk. There was a chance that he could snap and that his brother would be unable to stop him. It had been damn close the last time. He had had the female against the wall, his hands about to tear at her clothing. He thanked the Gods every day that his brother had been able to pull him back from the brink, had been able to stop him.
He was a Slayer, a killer for his kind, but he had never harmed a female of any species. Some of his tribe had no problem with hurting the fairer sex, but it was a line that Hecto had always refused to cross. It was just not in him to do so. It hurt his heart to know that he had now crossed that line and would very likely go a lot further before the end. Maybe it was time to speak up.
“Don’t you dare, brother. I know you can do this. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”
“I am not so sure about that.” The images that had plagued him during the night for months, images of a beautiful female with long raven hair bound tight in his cabin, of him forcing her to her knees to take him in her mouth proved otherwise. He was never alone in the dreams, his brother was there also, but it was he that always seemed to take the female with an edge of violence.
“Well, let’s prove you wrong then. No backing out now, we are here.”
Hecto had been so distracted that he hadn’t noticed where they were going. Not good. Gazing at the door to the holding bay, he felt a very strong urge to smash through the door and claim a female as his own. The persistent voice in the back of his mind was not helping matters.
‘Ours! Take her. Claim her! Do it now before another gets what it ours.’ The voice was practically screaming at him.
“Ignore it, brother. Block it out.”
“I am trying,” he gritted.
It took a few minutes, but eventually he managed to gain enough control that he was hopeful the females would not be at risk from him... as long as they kept their distance.
“OK. I’m ready.” Here goes nothing.
Standing on either side of the door, more wary of the females now that they knew what they were capable of when threatened, Hecto put in the code to deactivate the door. When the doorway appeared and no screaming females raced out with their strange but lethal weapons in hand he nodded to his brother before they both moved forwards .
The instant he focused on upon the room, the three females huddled together, the best inside him went wild and he barely managed to hold back.
‘It is her. Our mate. Our mate. Grab her. Take her. Claim her before another does.’
In the centre, protected on both sides by the other females was the most beautiful female Hecto had ever laid eyes on. She was also very familiar. He had dreamed about this female many times. Never had he believed that she truly existed.
“Brother, do you feel that?”
“Yes,” Jepa answered immediately, his own control at risk. “We have found our mate.”
Have you met the Chaetdorians yet? Then why not spend the weekend getting to know that hot alien studs from the Chaetdorian Mates Series, available exclusively on #Amazon. (#Free on #AmazonUnlimited)
Many centuries ago, the planet Chaetdor was destroyed and the survivors of that planet set out on a mission to find themselves a new home. Earth was never part of the plan; a primitive world with little technology and a sun that was harmful to the Chaetdorian body. When there was a fault with the ship they had no choice but to land on the foreign planet and hope that they could fix the problem quickly so they could continue on their journey.
But that didn't happen. The fault was far worse than they had first thought and caused them to crash during landing, seriously damaging their vessel. With the lack of technology on Earth at that time they were stuck, having no choice but to hide their craft and adapt in order to survive.
There were just two problems. One, they were highly sensitive to the earth's sun, meaning that they could only venture out at night. And two, in order to maintain a humanoid appearance they needed to consume human blood. Stories of large, handsome, pale men with fangs soon spread, and the myth of the vampire was born.
Now it's time for them to leave… if only it was that simple.
Corr's Forgiveness (book 1)
**This book contains a large warrior alien that hates all humans and cannot wait to get the Hell off Earth and finally find his mate. A human female that never expected a night out with the girls to end in alien abduction. And the passions that ignite when a Chaetdorian male finally finds his one and lets the pains of the past go.
Torq's Acceptance (book 2)
**This book contains a male that wants nothing more than to find mates for the rest of his kind, but never himself. A woman that never imagined the lover from her dreams saving her life only to abduct her and her friends in the process. And the internal battles they both must overcome if they are ever to be together.
Hex's Desire (book 3 - preorder available now)
**This book contains a male with an unhealthy addiction to human television. A feisty handbag welding female who sees her friends finding love and longs to find happiness of her own. And the desire that consumes them when they finally meet.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
The clocks a ticking...
With less than a month until the release of Hex's Desire, book 3 in the Chaetdorian Mates series I through I would treat you all to a little excerpt and a glimpse of the cover for book 4, titled Twin Addiction.
Yes, the twins, Jepa and Hecto are getting their own book :D You'll get to know the lovable pair a little better in Hex's book and get an idea of where their story and the future of all the characters is headed.
So, without further ado, here we go...
Yes, the twins, Jepa and Hecto are getting their own book :D You'll get to know the lovable pair a little better in Hex's book and get an idea of where their story and the future of all the characters is headed.
So, without further ado, here we go...
Looking him over, taking in his lean muscular body, her cheeks burned. She knew these aliens were huge, but... wow! The large appendage straining within his trousers left her mouth watering.
“I’m glad you like what you see, my sweet,” he said with a smirk. His cool voice sent shivers down her spine and straight to her core. “But I think I better introduce myself before this goes any further. I’m Hex.”
“Katie,” she found herself replying breathlessly.
“I know.”
Hold on. “You do?” How could he know who she was? She had never seen him before. She would have remembered him, that was for sure.
For some reason, he turned a little sheepish at her question, nervous to answer. “Well, I may have watched you on the cameras aboard the ship a few times.”
“You what?” Had she been wrong? Was this guy nothing but a giant perv?
“I saw the way you took out Dekon, the male that attacked your friends in the holding bay. Ever since then I’ve been bewitched by you. Are you sure your names not Samantha?” he teased with a wink.
“I’m no witch,” was her instant reply before she realised what he’d just said. “Hold on, you watch Bewitched?” Links
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Flesh and Blood now available on Amazon Unlimited
After months of consideration, I have made the decision to remove the remainder of my books from Smashwords and other retailers and sell solely on Amazon. This decision has not been made lightly but with the low number of sales achieved through Smashwords, I did not see any other way of getting the vampire short series out there to the world.
So, for those of you that have Amazon Unlimited, you can now read both book 1 and 2 of the Flesh and Blood series for FREE right now!
So, for those of you that have Amazon Unlimited, you can now read both book 1 and 2 of the Flesh and Blood series for FREE right now!
Amber & Lochlann (#1)
Beth & Al (#2)
Saturday, 23 April 2016
New Cover Release
With the release of Torq's Acceptance only a few hours away I wanted to share with you the cover for book 3 in the Chaetdorian Mates series, Hex's Desire.
And without further ado... here it is.
Pre-order links will be posted soon.
And without further ado... here it is.
Pre-order links will be posted soon.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Ultimate Fantasy Book Cover
The cover for Corr's Forgiveness has been entered into this years Ultimate Fantasy Book Cover competition. Voting is open now and closes 29th March, so please follow the link below and vote for my cover (no.11).
Every vote counts.
Every vote counts.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
It's A Double Cover Reveal!!!
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Torq's Acceptance Teaser
With Torq and Alice's story just around the corner, I thought I would treat you all to a little teaser. I have just started the final edit and hope to have the cover sorted very soon. Keep an eye out for its reveal coming soon (Fingers crossed).
She'd done it again.
She'd made him angry.
Hadn't she learnt her mistake the last time?
Never use his mug.
Never give him any other but his mug.
And finally, the most important rule of all... Never break his mug!
His fist flying fast towards her, she braced herself for impact. She knew better than to put her hands up to defend herself; that would only lead to another beating.
Pain exploded through her jaw and she knew it was broken. Then he hit her ribs and she knew they had suffered the same fate. These were all injuries she had sustained at his hand before.
His fists kept coming, the pain never ending. Why wasn't he stopping? Blood was pouring from her lip, her nose, even her ear.
This was it. This was the time he would kill her. He would never stop until she took her last breath, maybe not even then.
Then the pain stopped. The screams of agony no longer needed as pleasure replaced the pain.
What the Hell?
Warm lips ran down from her neck, kissing and licking her flesh. Hands caressed her sensitive breasts, teasing her nipples with sharp tweaks and twists. When she felt a warm body settle between her thighs, she pushed up onto her elbows to get a better look at her mysterious lover.
Eyes like a million supernovas, blazing red tattoos spiraling over his shoulders and down his arms. Who was he?
"You are mine," the stranger growled, flashing his fangs.
Alice woke, gasping for breath.
What was that? Did she eat too much cheese the night before? She always dreamed of him, of Frank. The nightmares had been a nightly occurrence since she’d awoken in the hospital after the beating that had almost taken her life. But an inhuman lover with fangs? No, that had never occurred before.
She'd done it again.
She'd made him angry.
Hadn't she learnt her mistake the last time?
Never use his mug.
Never give him any other but his mug.
And finally, the most important rule of all... Never break his mug!
His fist flying fast towards her, she braced herself for impact. She knew better than to put her hands up to defend herself; that would only lead to another beating.
Pain exploded through her jaw and she knew it was broken. Then he hit her ribs and she knew they had suffered the same fate. These were all injuries she had sustained at his hand before.
His fists kept coming, the pain never ending. Why wasn't he stopping? Blood was pouring from her lip, her nose, even her ear.
This was it. This was the time he would kill her. He would never stop until she took her last breath, maybe not even then.
Then the pain stopped. The screams of agony no longer needed as pleasure replaced the pain.
What the Hell?
Warm lips ran down from her neck, kissing and licking her flesh. Hands caressed her sensitive breasts, teasing her nipples with sharp tweaks and twists. When she felt a warm body settle between her thighs, she pushed up onto her elbows to get a better look at her mysterious lover.
Eyes like a million supernovas, blazing red tattoos spiraling over his shoulders and down his arms. Who was he?
"You are mine," the stranger growled, flashing his fangs.
Alice woke, gasping for breath.
What was that? Did she eat too much cheese the night before? She always dreamed of him, of Frank. The nightmares had been a nightly occurrence since she’d awoken in the hospital after the beating that had almost taken her life. But an inhuman lover with fangs? No, that had never occurred before.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Earth Re-release.
Well, after months of hard work, Earth is finally ready to be re-released upon the world... but under a new name. For a while now I've been rethinking the name of the series and the titles of each book, and I just felt it made more sense to call the series The Elemental Born. I've also been working on new covers for the series, ones that are more in keeping with the tone of the new editions.
And here it is, the new updated cover of EarthBorn.
And guess what? Its now available to pre-order at Amazon.
And here it is, the new updated cover of EarthBorn.
And guess what? Its now available to pre-order at Amazon.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
And the hard work has paid off
For the past few weeks, I have been working on the first draft of the second book in the Chaetdorian Mates Series. And, finally, I can say it is done. I am loving these hot marked alien males. I was really looking forward to writing Torq's story and I have to say he did not disappoint.
I plan to give him a rest for a while and get back to work on some of my more complete projects which will hopefully be published soon. But I'll be back to him soon enough to get his and Alice's story ready for all of you.
Keep an eye out for the cover reveal of Torq's Acceptance, which I hope to have finalised soon.
I plan to give him a rest for a while and get back to work on some of my more complete projects which will hopefully be published soon. But I'll be back to him soon enough to get his and Alice's story ready for all of you.
Keep an eye out for the cover reveal of Torq's Acceptance, which I hope to have finalised soon.
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Corr's Forgiveness Teaser...
Corr's Forgiveness is the first novelette in a series I plan to write over the next year or so. The first you can expect to be available sometime this month, while the second is currently halfway through its first draft and I aim to have it ready for release sometime in April. To give you a little hint at what this series is about here is the prologue that will be featured at the beginning of each novelette. Enjoy...
Vampires are a myth, right? A story told to scare children - and the occasional adult - at night?
Well, not exactly.
Vampires are real, though, they are not exactly what you think they are. Do they drink blood? Yes. Are they allergic to sunlight? Yes. Do they live forever? Well, no actually. But they do live for a very long time. But the reasons for these are not because they are the undead. They are, in fact, very much alive. They’re just not from this planet.
You see, many centuries ago, the planet Chaetdor was destroyed and the survivors of that planet set out on a mission to find themselves a new home. Earth was never part of the plan. A primitive world with little technology and a sun that was harmful to the Chaetdorian body. When there was a fault with the ship, they had no choice but to land on the foreign planet and hope that they could fix the problem quickly so they could continue on their journey. That did not happen. The fault was worse than they had first thought and had caused them to crash during landing, seriously damaging their vessel. With the lack of technology on Earth at that time, they were stuck. They hid their craft and adapted with their new world in order to survive.
There were just two problems. One, they were highly sensitive to the earth's sun, meaning that they could only venture out at night. And two, in order to maintain a humanoid appearance they needed to consume human blood. Stories of large, handsome, pale men with fangs soon spread, and the myth of the vampire was born.
But now, it is time for them to leave…
Sunday, 3 January 2016
What to expect in 2016
2015, while not one of many releases for me, was still a highly productive one. I wrote numerous books, plotted some great ideas for the future and re-edited all my current releases. And that was the main thing I wanted to get done... editing out the mistakes missed in my released work.
Well, 2016 is here and it's done. Almost. Right at this moment - or should I say in a few minutes once I have published this post - I am working on the final re-edit of Earth, the first book in the Elemental series. The new cover is done, which I hope to release very soon. I am hoping to have the manuscript ready in time to release sometime in February, or March at the latest. But before that, I expect to release my first Sci-Fi romance, the first novelette in the Chaetdorian Mates series. I hope that you will love these insanely hot aliens as much as I do.
There is plenty more planned for 2016 so keep checking back for more news on up and coming releases, and don't forget to follow me on Twitter and like my FB page.
Happy New Years!!
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