A place you can find all the works of E.M Reders and keep up to date on all future works.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Teks' s HEA is finally on its way!
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
New covers. New name.
At the beginning of the year I spent an entire month re-editing all three books of the fangless series in preparation of finally getting them out in print. While doing so I made the decision to not only redo the covers of the books to match in with the image I had of the print covers, but also change the name of the series. I had never been keen on calling it The Fangless series. It didn't quite fit. Now I feel I have finally found a name for the trilogy that works for it and the perfect covers to match.
So far both Fangless and Bloodless covers have been updated on Amazon, just waiting for Fearless now. Still, i wanted to take this opportunity to show you the new and final covers for the...
Love, Blood & Revenge series!
So without further ado, here they are. Hope you love them just as much as I do.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Don't worry, I haven't got lost... lol
I don't know when my next release will be. I have suffered a little writers block over the past few weeks and before that I have been busy working on my first YA novel under my pen name Emma M Mullineaux. But fingers crossed I will be going back to visit the Chaetdorians later in the year to give Teks his HEA before heading back to the world of the Elementals to give Air her story.
Until then I hope you are all well and looking forward to the summer that is almost upon us (I cant believe how quickly this year has gone already).